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Our Mission

Green Food Nation lives at the intersection of sustainability and food security. Harvesting sunshine to eliminate hunger in Oregon is our primary goal.

Company Overview

Green Food Nation utilizes individual donations and corporate grants to purchase sources of renewable energy. These sources of renewable energy are then installed/donated to nonprofit organizations focused on eliminating hunger in Oregon. This provides a source of reliable income for recipient nonprofits and in turn provides food security for surrounding communities.

Founder and Chairman of the Board, Collin Styring

CollinPhotoFood Nation was founded in 2013 by then 17-year-old Collin Styring, a senior at Riverdale High School, Portland OR. Collin is a 4.0 student, Oregon State Champion athlete in soccer and track & field, and accomplished classical guitar player. He was a Stanford University High School Scholar in 2012 and Lewis & Clark College Templeton Scholar in 2013. He served as President of the Riverdale High School Green Club, student elected Executive of Riverdale High School’s Chapter of the National Honor Society, President and Founder of Leaders in Youth Education, and a Keynote Speaker at the Institute for International Research Foresight & Trends Conference 2013. He is currently a Freshman at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

President, Gillian Styring

gillianPhotoGillian is a dynamic Freshman at Riverdale High School, Portland, OR. Gillian is a starting forward on her school’s Varsity soccer team, a 4.0 scholar and an accomplished classical guitar player. Gillian is 18th in the United States in Pole Vault via US Track & Field’s Junior Olympics Youth program among 13 – 14 yr women (2nd in Oregon and 2nd in the Pacific NW Region). As Director of Youth Outreach for Green Food Nation, Gillian worked to raise awareness of Green Food Nation among young people and helped with all aspects of the first installation. Gillian currently leads fundraising efforts, speaks for local groups, and is planning to play a key role in the development of legislation in Oregon to continue the Feed-in-Tariff rates for solar energy, an important aspect of Green Food Nation’s success.